Mentoring new contributors¶
Xapian frequently participates in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), which encourages student developers to contribute to open source projects. We also welcome new contributors at any time.
This section contains advice and information for anyone within the community helping newcomers come up to speed as members of our community. Especially during GSoC, we welcome anyone to act as a mentor who is prepared to commit enough time. Many of our GSoC students have gone on to mentor in subsequent years.
If you’re looking for help in getting started, then we have a guide for potential GSoC students (which is worth reading through even if you aren’t participating in GSoC). The Contributing to Xapian section of this guide also has useful pointers.
There’s plenty of help¶
You may be daunted by the idea of mentoring someone else, particularly if you only have a limited amount of expeirence with Xapian itself. Please don’t let this put you off! Those who have been around in the community for longer are generally happy to provide advice and assistance, and there’s also a mentor guide written for GSoC (including contributions from Olly Betts from Xapian).
As with almost everything in life, it’s good to ask for help. Xapian as a community has years of experience with Summer of Code, and some individuals have mentored five or more times. If we can’t figure out a problem together as a community, we can also ask for help from other projects and mentors, and from the Google Summer of Code team themselves.
Helping newcomers step by step¶
Building Xapian¶
The first step should always to ensure that a new contributor can build Xapian on a machine they have access to. Our getting started information is a good guide to follow.
Most Xapian developers use one or more of Debian, Ubuntu, and macOS. While it’s possible to develop for Xapian on a wide range of operating systems, if someone runs into problems with something else it’s often easier for them to work with a linux virtual machine running on their computer. As the getting started information says, we recommend using Virtual Box and the latest LTS (long-term support) release of Ubuntu.
If a new contributor runs into problems, it’s worth getting them to explicitly confirm exactly what steps they’ve taken. It’s easy to skip a step, or to try something else when you’re working through issues – but when it comes to helping someone else, you need to be sure you know exactly what they’ve done.
A lot of our project communication happens on IRC, and it’s
difficult to read long outputs of commands such as make
there. It’s helpful to have people copy anything substantial into
something like Pastebin or
Gist and then provide a link in
IRC. This can be used for command output, or for the contents of
files such as config.log
Getting familiar with the API¶
While the urge to jump right in and start fixing bugs or adding features is often strong, it’s a good idea for a new contributor to become familiar with Xapian’s API early on. This is particularly true for Summer of Code students, who often won’t have used Xapian previously.
The Xapian user manual covers the concepts behind Xapian, works through a practical example of indexing and searching documents using Xapian, and also covers a range of more advanced features. The online version uses python, but you can grab the source code and build for a range of languages, including C++.
Almost every contributor should get familiar with Xapian’s C++ API. Anyone who’s adding new APIs to Xapian should also think about how that API will be used from bindings languages, so it’s often helpful for them to have at least used Xapian via python or one of the other languages we support.
Completing a small task¶
We ask all Summer of Code students to complete at least one small task, effectively as part of their application. This could be fixing a bug, tidying up some code, improving test coverage, or completing a small feature.
A main part of the reason for this is to help new contributors get used to the way we manage changes to Xapian. It’s good to pick something small, and go through the entire process of planning and doing the work, creating a pull request, and getting everything merged. Firstly, that means that they’ve become a contributor to Xapian before Summer of Code even begins. Secondly, it means that subsequent contributions as part of the GSoC project should be smoother. Finally, it helps someone new to open source and collaborative development to start thinking in terms of small changes, merged quickly.
Most students will have an idea of what project they are interested in, from our list of project ideas. Some of those will have a small first step, or sometimes a bug or similar in the general area of the codebase of the project. For everyone else, we keep a list of bite sized projects, and there are also some bugs in our tracker marked as suitable for newcomers to tackle.
Helping them through their first contribution¶
Just as with getting Xapian built for the first time, new contributors may need support in getting through our contribution flow. There are some common things to watch out for.
Pull requests where the automated tests aren’t passing
This includes a special test run which checks that the code diff follows some of our conventions, such as around spaces and blank lines. Generally, the error messages should help track down the problem.
It’s possible (and a good idea) to run all the tests locally before opening a pull request. The code diff checks can be run by piping the output of
git diff
through thexapian-maintainer-tools/xapian-check-patch
script. Something like this is often what you want:git diff master..HEAD | xapian-maintainer-tools/xapian-check-patch
git diff
command there will output the changes in your local commits compared to the “master” branch.)
Not following our coding conventions
We can’t automate checks for all of these, but we also don’t expect anyone to be able to spot all possible problems. One of the reasons pull request reviews are open is so that several different people can help spot and straighten out issues, and get a contribution over the line.
Not following our conventions for pull request flow
In particular, first-time contributors often need reminding not to force-push branches once a PR is open. It feels tidier to have a tidy list of commits. However, it makes it harder for reviewers to check that earlier comments have been addressed. Contributors should use “fixup” commits, as described in our documentation, and only tidy up commits right before a pull request is merged.
A similar problem is a pull request with lots of commits without good commit messages. Each commit in a pull request should make a single, well-described change, including any necessary tests and documentation.
Some of these take a long time to get used to, and even experienced developers will make mistakes. That means that it’s worth checking for the basics on every pull request.
Expectations of mentors¶
We operate a “group mentoring” approach, which means you can – and should! – help any students you can during the summer. Where possible, we expect mentors to find time every week to engage with Xapian and our Summer of Code students. Here are some ways to do that.
Answer questions on the mailing list and IRC
It’s demotivating to ask a question and get no reply. Sometimes even just a response that says you don’t know can help reassure a new contributor that they aren’t on their own.
Particularly during the early phases of Summer of Code, there are a lot of questions that come up repeatedly. New contributors regularly need help getting Xapian built and installed on their computers. People often need pointing at our guidance for potential students (the GSoC site sends people straight to our ideas list, and it’s easy to miss the links we provide to furhter information). So something as simple as chipping in to point people to existing information and documentation can be incredibly valuable.
Help review pull requests
The core of a contribution to Xapian is often a pull request. Before it’s merged by one of the Xapian team, we want to make sure it’s in good shape. Anyone can check over our guidelines on what we’re looking for, and provide feedback to a contributor on how to improve their pull request.
Provide feedback on design ideas
Most Summer of Code projects have a knotty or interesting problem at the heart of them. That’s what makes them appealing to work on over a period of months. However, that means that there’s often one or more points during the project where some decisions have to be made. APIs need designing, data structures need choosing, and sometimes different competing algorithms need assessing.
While we expect our students to do most of the work here, getting timely feedback and input from the rest of the community is often important in keeping a project on track. As with reviewing pull requests, anyone can look over a proposal and provide their thoughts.
API design is a particularly difficult problem, and we generally do not expect any one person (student or not!) to design a great API on their own. It’s not always obvious the best approach until you’ve written code that uses an API in a range of different situations.
We generally recommend that projects that require a new API start by implementing a very simple one. Ideally this will leave time later in the project to revise the initial version based on feedback and experience of actually using it. (Summer of Code students also include a section on possible future improvements in their project write-up. If there isn’t enough time to improve an API based on feedback, that can always become a future project!)
Encourage small, regular contributions that can be merged
We recommend structuring any project as a series of small sub-projects, each of which can be submitted as a pull request, reviewed, and merged. It’s usually possible to start work on the next sub-project while the previous one is going through review.
As well as encouraging contributors to submit small changes, it’s also important that they address review comments quickly. It’s all too easy to move on to the next sub-project, but never actually get the previous one merged. It’s far better to spend time getting two or three sub-projects merged than have pull requests for four or five none of which is in a good enough state to be merged.
Our best Summer of Code students have often had early contributions released during their project. Our experience shows that contributors are more likely to become longer-term members of the Xapian community if their early work can be merged and released.
As well as group mentoring, every student has a specific mentor assigned, who is there to make sure there is always someone looking out for them. You should keep in regular contact with the student you’re assigned to, making sure that they’re getting the support they need from the community.
Mentors, as well as students, can have something unexpected come up during the summer. Plans change, work becomes busier, or any one of a hundred things can mean you suddenly have less time than you anticipated.
If something comes up, please let Xapian’s “org admins” for Summer of Code know as soon as possible. Our group mentoring approach makes it easier to cope with people who have to step away from Summer of Code, but we need to know to ensure we can support all our students as best we can.